Dust Suppression

Outdoor Detail Sprinklers Don’t Horse Around …

…When it Comes to Controlling Dust and Footing Conditions in 63-Horse Indoor Riding Arena

Low volume irrigation systems, typically found in Landscape and Turf, Agriculture or Greenhouse and Nursery applications, have earned a reputable name for their convenience, efficiency, speed of plant growth, and ease of maintenance. But, the benefits of Outdoor Detail systems are no longer limited to these industries.

Indoor riding arenas give professional and recreational riders the opportunity to continue training programs despite inclement weather, be it rain, snow or hot summer sun. While indoor riding arenas shield riders from the elements, the enclosed workspace can create other problems for horse and rider.

Horse Arena Solution Summary

Issues to Address

Even application of water across arena
• Dust control: minimize health risks
• Better stability for footing: reduced injuries • Eliminate dripping water from above
• Clogging concerns of using canal water
• Ease of installation – wanted to self-install


• Sprinklers can be turned on before practice, or between events to ensure proper footing and minimize dust

• Safety hazards associated with overhead dripping are eliminated

• Overwetted or underwetted areas are eliminated • System operates with a minimum of maintenance • Eliminated the need to drag hoses